driving guide for Europe

Mount Olympus Village, Greece

Driving in Europe

Having your own car gives you the freedom to go where you want, when you want. It enables you to stop for spur-of-the-moment pleasures. Time isn’t spent on getting ticketed and then waiting for buses and trains. You don’t have to lug bags or backpacks to train and bus stations. Your things can be organized so that you can set up your campsite in just a few minutes. You can purchase wonderful foodstuffs inexpensively and store them in the cool box in your car

Sample of Driving Directions to Sights of Interest

Hoge Veluwe National Park, The Netherlands

Located only an hour from Amsterdam. Directions: From Amsterdam drive east on A1 for about 60km. Pass the exit for A30 and Ede, and drive 15km further on A1, exiting for N310 and Stroe. Drive south on N310, following signposting for 11km further for Otterlo and Hoge Veluwe.

Sample of Driving Directions

Verona Italy Camping

Best for the city. • South of Florence, exit A1 at Firenze/Certosa. Drive north toward the center of Florence on the Siena/Firenze road/S2. Go up through the park on Viale Galileo, following signs to Piazzale Michelangelo. Camping is just past the monument and viewing area. Camping Michelangelo, Viale Michelangelo 80 (055 681 1977); very popular; book ahead or arrive early; fabulous views of the Duomo and Arno River; easy bike ride to the historic area; bike rental; bus close-by; stairway down to the Arno River; covered common terrace area overlooking the city; open all year; $$$. • South of the city, exit A1 at Firenze Sud. Drive north 3km to the Arno Bridge Verrazzano. Turn west onto S67 and drive about 2km. Follow signposting north in the direction of Fiesole. Watch for signposting at the roundabout for Viale Augusto Righi. Camping Villa di Camerata, Viale Righi 2 (055 60 1451); on the grounds of a hostel; tents only; popular; arrive early; café, pool, bus closeby; open year-round; $$. • In the same area. Follow the same directions, but continue further up the hill to the historic village of Fiesole. Camping is just north of the village on a steep narrow road. Camping Panoramico, Via Peramonda 1(055 59 9069); wonderful views on terrace cafe; shady with trees; cabins; bus service from the piazza in Fiesole to Florence; pool; open all year; $$$.

Campground price for 2 persons, a car and tent or campervan per night
$ = about 20 euros          $$ = 25-30 euros           $$$ = 30 – 35 euros



  • "Mickelsen has a lovely spirit about her and it shines throughout the book. The best guide to Europe..It’s the Holy Grail." ~Verified Amazon purchaser

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  • "Mickelsen's Camping Europe is an impressive and user-friendly travel guide. Ideal for car-campers, this affordable and informative compendium offers a wealth of tips and techniques for traveling inexpensively. It leaves no region out. Highly recommended to travelers seeking a unique experience and to community library shelves alike." ~Midwest Book Review

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  • "Gives you all the insider tips you need to travel Europe on a budget. I loved it!" ~Verified Amazon purchaser

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  • "Mickelsen's love for exploring the unknown is infectious, and anyone who reads this book will be tempted to follow in her car-tracks. Highly recommended for all public libraries." ~Library Journal

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  • "Now and then a book comes along that helps dispel fears and adds credence to one's dreams and desires. For those of you who have a spirit of adventure and a lust for excitement this may be just the guide." ~Family Travel Network

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